Social Security Administration


The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages the Nation’s social insurance program, consisting of retirement, survivors, and disability insurance programs, commonly known as Social Security. It also administers the Supplemental Security Income program for the aged, blind, and disabled. The Administration is responsible for studying the problems of poverty and economic insecurity among Americans and making recommendations on effective methods for solving these problems through social insurance. The Administration also assigns Social Security numbers to U.S. citizens and maintains earnings records for workers under their Social Security numbers.

The SSA was established by Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1946 (5 U.S. Code app.), effective July 16, 1946.

This material was condensed and edited from the SSA Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

More Detailed Information

Homepage and Introductory Information to top

Social Security Administration Homepage

Understanding Social Security

Commissioner of Social Security Administration



Top 10 Most Requested Services - SSA  a good place to start a search.

How to Apply for Services   all key services listing.

Spanish (SSA)  addresses welfare, meaning and use of your Social Security Number, and international information.

SSA Site Map

How to reach Social Security call 1-800-772-1213 or utilize other means at this site.

Feed Back   ask questions or make comments to SSA.

News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

About our agency (SSA)   SSA History, Customer Service Standards, Press Releases, etc.

Documents in the News background information on news items.

Freedom of Information - SSA  comprehensive discussion of this tool for getting information---also FAQs, search, site map, "top 10 requested sites", etc.

Consumer Service to top

Americans Discuss Social Security

Year 2000 Customer Service Goals

Generalto top

Privacy And Customer Service In the Electronic Age

Application for a Social Security Card

How To Replace, Correct, or Change My Social Security Card

Personal Earnings and Benefits Estimate State (PEBES)  using the PEBES request form (SSA-7004 INT) you can receive a report on your Social Security payments---estimates your future benefits and tells you how to qualify for same at no cost.

Earnings and Tax Rates for 1998

Medicare Premium Information   Medicare rates and premiums.

Cost-of-Living Adjustment and Wage-Indexed Amounts - SSA  automatic increases due to "COLA" changes.

The Social Security Benefit Estimate Program for Personal Computers

Welfare Reform Information - SSA  details how the recent Welfare Reform legislation affects your Social Security benefits.

Comparison of PRIOR LAW and the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND WORK OPPORTUNITY RECONCILIATION ACT OF 1996 (P.L. 104-193)  easy to follow document comparison.

What You Need To Know When You Get SSI  booklet.

Office Locator - SSA

Regional Offices - SSA

HHS Partner Gateway   brings together health and human services benefit organizations in a format that can be more easily understood.

Healthfinder  powerful health resource.

Health Links - Department of Health and Human Services.

Consumer Health  various health topics.

Research Findings  discusses women's and children's health matters, mortality research and a unique listing of medical research matters.

Other Servers of Interest - SSA  provides a listing of federal locations that may be of assistance---includes a link to the Railroad Retirement Board.

Facts and Figures to top

Facts & Figures   statistical data, finances, SSA’s business plans---this site is about current and historical benefit data.

Fraud Reporting  involves a call to 1-800-269-0271 to get started---callers may remain anonymous and information is confidential.

Office of Research, Evaluation & Statistics - SSA  provides ongoing statistical data and research analyses of old-age, survivors, and disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs.

Social Security Bulletin Abstracts  newsletter-like piece that highlights studies, statistics, etc.---cost involved.

Chief Actuary - SSA  deals with actuarial data.

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research  data and survey methods---notes HIV and AIDS costs and utilization.

How Your Retirement Benefit Is Figured

Demographic Statistics - FEDSTATS

Social Security Death Index Interactive Search

Disability to top

Disability Matters

Employment Suport Programs

Disability Publications, Information, and Forms 

Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center (ADA)  resource on disability documentation.

AHCPR Job Vacancy Announcements  application procedures are also covered.

Employer Services to top

Guide for Employers - SSA  help with your wage filing responsibilities.

"Short Course" - SSA  annual reporting of wage particulars.

Services for Employers and Businesses

Publications and Forms to top

Benefit Information Publications

Social Security Handbook  summarizes SSA's benefit programs.

SSA Forms

SS Benefit Information Publications

Business Matters to top

Office of Acquisition and Grants Acquisition Information  SSA allows you to view summaries of current acquisitions, download solicitations, and view other acquisition-related information.

CBDNet   key publication of federal contract activities.

Laws and Regulations to top

Evolution of the Social Security Act  includes the Act and its changes, benefits legislation, welfare aspects, regulations, SSA rulings, etc.

Code of Federal Regulations - GPO Access  enhances a rules search of the federal government’s executive departments and agencies.

FedLaw  covers federal law.

Medicare and Medicaid Information to top

Health Care Financing Administration  explains medicare and medicaid.

About HCFA  pays the medical bills of 72 million people!

Medicare Information - SSA  links to Health Care Financing Administration, Medicare Premium Information, and Medicare Provider Listing---also addresses new rates and services by state.

Medicare State Query  gives specifics on your region.

Medicare Information

Making Medicare Choices  AARP referring to posible changes in coverage.

International Happenings to top

International Policy and News - SSA  involves the publicizing of various foreign countries’ social security programs.

Seniors Alive to top

Seniors Alive!

Other Items of Interest to top

HCFA Employment Opportunities

Advisory Council on Social Security  every four years the law requires that the Social Security Trust Funds be evaluated in terms of their commitments---the most recent report is at this site.

Railroad Retirement Board  explains Social Security Benefits for railroad workers and their families.

American Association of Retired Persons

The Concord Coalition  entitlement reform information.

Aging - GPO Access

The Federal Bulletin Board Online via GPO Access 

Seniors Issues Reference

Administration On Aging

Social Security for the Young  includes parents and teachers.

ETA Programs and Activities  job training, employment services, etc.

Social Welfare - GPO Access  survey document.

Retirement - GPO Accesssurvey document.

AARP - Women’s Issues  answers basic questions for "women 45 and older."

Federal Dialup/Telnet Site Information  lists over 100 Federal bulletin boards.

Senior Citizen Information