Securities and Exchange Commission
450 5th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20549
The Commission administers Federal securities laws that seek to provide protection for investors; to ensure that securities markets are fair and honest; and, when necessary, to provide the means to enforce securities laws through sanctions.
Webmaster Email:
Initial Information
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
EDGAR Database the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval System, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Search SEC Website Archives pertains to non-EDGAR documents.
Electronic Mailboxes at the Commission Email addresses of importance.
Other Sites of Interest SEC's site suggestions.
Blue Sky Law - University of Maryland securities regulation and research.
SmartMoney University a joint venture of Dow Jones & Co., Inc. and Hearst Communications--has a quiz, glossary of investment terms, and investment courses.
News About This Site special studies on "soft dollar practices", "trading analysis", and "Technology Roundtable."
InvestorWords - Investing Glossary
What Every Investor Should Know - SEC
Small Business Information a "help and information" site.
Other Items of Interest
Final Bell USA Today’s site where you really "play" the stock market--it’s a game or simulation of playing the market
Company Sleuth investor information search site--regarding specific company and industry data.
The Silicon Investor focuses on technology stocks.
Vanguard/Money Magazine Mutual Fund Literacy figure your retirement costs and progress with this calculator.
Financial Literacy state securities regulators.
1Jump Web Search Engine for Company News extensive company resources--databases, contacts, etc.
Final Bell "play" the stock market---a simulator sponsored by USAToday.
NASD Regulation resource for investors and the securities industry.
BigCharts - Investment Information
ipo WATCH comprehensive "initial public offering" site.
International Organization of Securities Commissions
It's Your Money hour-long videotape of a program on "Saving & Investing" ---the Federal Reserve Board charges $11.95 for this item.
Corporate Finance Network community for financial executives---concerns securities business and news updates.
Hoover’s Online "The Biggest of the Big"--salaries, jobs, companies, richest people, etc.
The Online Investor - Stock Research and Data
The Fabulous Market Babe Financial Market Place information.
CBS MarketWatch current business news.