Other Judicial Branch Resources
U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary
About The U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library
Senate Committees - Committee on Government Affairs
SBA Legal and Regulatory Hotlist
United States Copyright Office
U.S. Court of Military Appeals
U. S. Supreme Court Multimedia Database cases, oral arguments, etc.
The Federal Judiciary Homepage connects 700 federal courts.
Internet Law - Washington and Lee University Law Library
The Government By Sterby law search page.
Legal Information Institute - Cornell Law School
Martindale-Hubbell Lawyer Locator
Freedom of Information Clearinghouse citizen's guide to obtaining information.
Flag Laws covers federal and state laws.
The World Wide Web Virtual Law Library
Legaldocs legal documents online.
LawLinks - Legal Resources good law research site.
Judicial Watch conservative "watchdog" of the U.S. Government and judicial systems.
Edward Bennett Williams Library - Georgetown University Law Center
Computers and Information Technology - Fedlaw
Courts and Opinions - States and Municipal Courts
Notable Acts of Congress - Council Quest
Yahoo! Government:Law:Technology