National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities


The Foundation encourages and supports national progress in the humanities and the arts. As an independent agency it consists of the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities, and the Institute of Museum Services.

American Academy of Arts and Science

National Endowment for the Arts to top


The Endowment for the Arts supports the visual, literary, and performing arts to benefit all Americans by fostering artistic excellence and developing the Nation’s finest creative talent, preserving and transmitting our diverse cultural heritage, making the arts more accessible to all Americans, promoting the vitality of arts institutions, and making the arts intrinsic to education.

Art Forms  arts education---art forms and resources.

Art History Resources on the Web  covers Prehistoric Ancient, and Middle Ages--and more.

Tour the Art of the States - Arts in America  notes every states art agency--art resources, organization, etc.

Arts - Yahoo  regional and topical links.

ArtsEdge The National Arts and Education Information Network.

The Kennedy Center

National Endowment for the Humanities to top


The Endowment for the Humanities is an independent, grantmaking agency established by Congress in 1965 to support research, education, and public programs in the humanities.

Humanities - Yahoo   survey of humanities items.

Infomine - Humanities   overview of various humanities resources.

WWW Virtual Library   solid resource for humanities information.

Humanities Division - U. of Chicago

Association for Computers and the Humanities

Top Humanities Websites: Literature

American Council of Learned Societies

Institute of Museum and Library Servicesto top


The Institute is an independent, grant-making agency established by Congress to assist museums in maintaining, increasing, and improving their services to the public..

Yahoo List of Museums  by region and many categories.

Virtual Tour of Museums and Exhibits - Multimedia