National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Daniel S. Goldin, Administrator

400 Maryland Avenue, S. W., Washington, D. C. 20546



The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducts research for the solution of problems of flight within and outside the Earth’s atmosphere and develops, constructs, tests and operates aeronautical and space vehicles. It conducts activities required for the exploration of space with manned and unmanned vehicles and arranges for the most effective utilization of the scientific and engineering resources of the United States with other nations engaged in aeronautical and space activities for peaceful purposes.

NASA was established by the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended (42 U.S. Code 2451 et seq.).

The following was condensed and edited from the NASA web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

More Detailed Information

Homepage and Introductory Information                    

National Aeronautical and Space Administration Homepage

Welcome to NASA Web

Administrator's Welcome to NASA Web 

Questions & Answers  also a Subject Search plus the "10 most asked questions", etc.

NASA Search

Road Map of

NASA Human Space Sitemap

Comments on   site navigation aids such as FAQs, User Tips, etc.

Subject Index

NASA Portal  a look into the core of NASA's technology development and technology transfer programs. Users can capitalize on technologies developed by NASA, explore opportunities to develop new technologies with NASA, or learn what unsolved aerospace challenges NASA faces. 

Welcome to WhoWhere  directory for federal Email addresses and telephone numbers.

Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers - GSA

US Government Blue Pages Online Directory   federal  telephone directory.


News, Public Affairs, History, etc. to top

Public Affairs Web Pages  covers all NASA installations.

NASA Public Relations

Today@NASA  key NASA news site.

News & Information  highlights of what's going on in the NASA Newsroom.

Hot Topics  lists home pages for NASA missions.

Space News - Internets

5 Year Guide to Space Exploration - Popular Science details every mission
between now and 2005.

Year Guide to Space Exploration - Popular Science  detail of every mission between now and 2005.

Documents in the News - University of Michigan  reference information on current government headline stories.

WWW Virtual Library:  US Government Information Sources  index of Web pages and directories.

Historical Archive  covers Space History and Manned Mission.

NASA History Office   puts you in touch with the Office of Policy and Plans.

Visitor Center and NASA Tours

See a Launch  and Launch Schedule covers all of NASA launches.

Terra - The EOS Flagship  satellite that shows pollution around the world--some project that it will revolutionize climate research.

Other NASA Resources  publications and resources that tell the NASA story.

Other Space Agencies  U. S. and foreign activities.

NASA Strategic Plan

NASA Strategic Pan for the 1990's  


Freedom of Information Act

NASA Educational Programs

Satellite Boxscore  inventory of objects in the sky.

Customer Service to top

Other Cool NASA Web Sites  visits popular missions, Hubble Space Telescope, etc.

Commonly Requested Federal Services

Multimedia Gallery   NASA's photo, video, arts, and audio resources.

National Finance Center - Employee Personal Page Information (USDA)  excellent source for federal employees of agencies serviced by NFC to follow their payroll, leave, travel, insurance, and other personal information on line.

NASA Minority University Research and Education Program

Need Advice? Academy Complex Sitemap  authoritative science, technology, and public health answers from key federal organizations.

Disaster Finder   extensive resource of disaster and emergency information.

NASA Academy  Summer program for young people to learn leadership, etc.

For the Young and Young at Heart to top

Hubble Space Telescope  exceptional photography of planets and much more--also a Kids Corner, Teachers’ Lounge, etc.  HubbleSite  images.

Welcome to the Gallery  offers NASA photos, videos, movie and press kits.

Learn How Bats Use Echoes To Navigate 

Build A Solar System  assists in building a scale model of the heavens.

NASA’s Education Program  Resources for Educators, Education R&D Center, K-12 Education Standards, and the NASA Classroom of the Future.

Office of Future Flight

NASA's Quest Project a K-12 Internet Initiative

NASA Space Shuttle Small Payloads Project  involves organizations other than NASA sending experiments into space on NASA craft.

Welcome to the Planets ™   California Institute of Technology collection of images from NASA’s planetary exploration program.

FAQs: Planetary  covers solar bodies and planetary probes.

Planetary Fact Sheets

Space - University of Colorado  topics covering NASA, National Geographic, Naval Observatory, etc.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory  Jupiter and Galileo images and data.

Lunar and Planetary Institute

Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet  astronomy-related Internet links. 

The IDL Astronomy User’s Library  procedures facility that can be downloaded and modified as you choose.

More Planetary Resources  draws from Smithsonian, Naval Observatory, Northwestern University, and various Web search engines.

Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature Search Engine  allows you to develop your own parameters in your search of the heavens’ bodies.

Ocean Planet - Smithsonian  embodies learning, teaching, and beauty!

Princeton Planetary Society   a student effort at space-related activities.

The Space Place   K-12 educational site.

NASAKIDS  space art, rockets, airplane.

John Glenn - He's Not Just History Anymore


Organizationto top

NASA Centers’ Home Pages

NASA Organizational Index

NASA WWW Servers by Center

Other Space Agencies and Related Organizations

Technical to top

Space Science   exploration, Sun-Earth Connection, structure, etc.

Human Exploration and Development of Space

Scientific & Technical Information

Guide to Geospatial and Attribute Data on the Internet

The Global Change Master Directory  comprehensive source of information about satellite and earth science data---climate change is addressed.

Pictures of Space Science

Planetary Data System  data from past and present NASA planetary mission.

The Nine Planets   a multimedia tour of the solar system.

Astronomy and Space   many web sites dealing with this topic.

Astronomy & Space Databases  a survey document of this topic.

Technical Reports - University of Colorado at Boulder

Other Space Agencies  lists U.S. agencies involved in aeronautics, space research and international space agencies.

NASA Scientific Visualization Studio

European Space Agency

Information Technology

Computers and Data Systems Division

Business Matters to top

Doing Business with NASA

NASA Procurement Home Pages

U. S. Business Advisor   good government business resource.

CBDNet   key publication of federal contracting activities.

NASA Acquisition Internet Service

USA Map - NASA  procurement activities.

NASA Technology Transfer

The Federal Laboratory Consortium For Technology Transfer  gives topical links, key regional home pages, and FLC personnel listings.

Federal Technology Transfer Offices on the Internet  lists key officers at various federal organizations.

NASA Commercial Technology Network   moves technology to market.

NASA Projects Home Pages

NASA Center Procurement Sites

Science and Engineering Workstation Procurement

Federal Acquisition Jumpstation  NASA Acquisition Internet Service site that visits other key government acquisition sites.

Small Business Program Home Page

Mid-Atlantic Technology Applications Center  division of NASA established to broaden the scope and increase the effectiveness of its technology commercialization program.


Best Manufacturing Practice

Business Opportunities With NASA

NASA Synopses Search  an open review of NASA procurement activities.

NASA Acquisition an Internet acquisition gateway.

Other Items of Interest to top

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science - NASA 

U. S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Volcano World  excellent topic for young and old.

Bradford Robotic Telescope Observatory  give commands to this British telescope and view the results!

Government Information Locator Service (GILS)  search utility for miscellaneous files (GILS) that agencies make available to the public.

What is GILS?

NASA GILS   miscellaneous files

European Space Agency and Other Space Agencies  U. S. and foreign activities.