U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Donna. E. Shalala, Secretary


Secretary Donna E. Shalala photograph

200 Independence Avenue, S. W.,
Washington, D. C. 20201
Telephone:  (202) 619-0257
E-mail: webmaster@os.dhhs.gov


This Cabinet-level department of the Federal executive branch is the one most concerned with people and the Nation’s human concerns. In one way or another HHS touches the lives of more Americans than any other Federal agency. It is literally a department of people serving people, from newborn infants to persons requiring health services to our most elderly citizens.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was created as the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare on April 11, 1953 (5 U.S. Code app.),

and redesignated, effective May 4, 1980, by the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S. Code 3508).

The following material was condensed and edited from the HHS Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway ™ site.

Email the Webmaster at the Department of Health and Human Services:

More Detailed Information

Homepage and Introductory Information to top

Department of Health and Human Services Homepage   puts you in touch with news and what’s new, HHS agencies, consumer information, employee information, site search utility, etc.

Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services

HHS: What We Do  explains HHS and provides employee telephone numbers, budget information, etc.

Contacting HHS Officials

About HHS  addresses organizational matters.

Search HHS

Search HHS Employee Directory

Welcome to WhoWhere  directory for federal Email addresses and telephone numbers.

US Government Blue Pages Telephone Book Listings  covers all federal government.

Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers  covers various federal agencies.

News, Public Affairs, History, Etc. to top

News & Fact Sheets - Public Affairs  news, speeches, public service campaigns, congressional testimony, policy, and complete listing of press offices and personnel.

Top 50 Diseases Funded By The National Institutes of Health

Comparison of Prior Welfare Law and the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996  excellent matching of the "old" welfare law stipulations with the new Public Law 104-193 change.

Social Security Welfare Reform Information and a reported difficulty Losing health Insurance Report

Strategic Plan

CDC Subscription List  provides news via Email updates---subscription is free.

Politics of Health Care - University of Michigan

Demographic, Health, Etc. Statistics - FedStats

Customer Service to top

National Finance Center - Employee Personal Page Information (USDA)  excellent source for federal employees of agencies serviced by NFC to follow their payroll, leave, travel, insurance, and other personal information on line.

U.S. Consumer Gateway  your link to extensive consumer information.

Access America for Seniors   one-stop-shopping site for doing all seniors business.

Office of Women's Health  educational document.

Internet Resources Guide related to Aging - AARP  includes a state-by-state legal services guide and more.

Kids Pages for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

CDC Subscription List  news via Email updates--subscription is free.

Division of Tribal Services - HHS  news and updates and Programs and Resources for Native American Elders

Health Information to top

Medical Matchmaker  HHS's Organ Procurement and Transportation Network.

Healthfinder ™  an excellent consumer health gateway.

Electronic Policy Network  health policy links and general medicine information.

Physicians’ Online  information resource.

SSA (Spanish)

National Women's Health  Information Center   a HHS's major effort.

Social Welfare  addresses the Health Care Financing Administration's concerns--they administer Medicare and Medicaid. Also covers HHS Poverty Guidelines, family concerns, etc.

Research Forum on Children, Families, and the New Federalism  welfare research.

Consumer Information Reference  health and health care information for the consumer/patient--lists resources.

Health Gateway Sites

Medical Resources on the Internet  a collection of sources.

Laboratory of Brain and Cognition

Health and Medical Related Computer Products - NTIS

Commonly Requested Federal Services

Food and Drugs - U. S. Code Title 21 

CDC Travel Information  health travel information, graphical travel map, and much more.

HHS Databases  search "Guide to Document Searches" instructional piece.

Health - White House   addresses major healthcare issues---alcohol, environment, etc.

Healthy People - HHS   addresses "National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives".

Internet Health Resources - HHS

Related Internet Resources - HHS  health information locations.

Dr. Koop's Community  former U.S. Surgeon General C. E. Koop's health resource.

National Center for Health Statistics - CDC

FedStats  statistics on Health, Demographics, Safety, etc.

American Hospital Directory  source for comparative hospital data.

ABMS Certified Doctor Home Page   physician and information service.

MediQual home page  health care performance resource.

Medical World Search  medical intelligence.

Medical/Health Sciences Libraries on the Web  state-by-state listing.

CDC Information Sources - Health Resources   state-by-state coverage.

National Women's Health Resource Center   Q&A feature, bulleting board, and more.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health  about job stress, hazards, etc.

WebMedLit - Medical Journals

Alternative Medicine Homepage

Organic Food & Recipes

American Botanical Council learn about safe use of botanicals (plants) as medical aids.

HCFA-Nursing Homes  search and compare.

Guide to Retirement Living Online   covers many healthcare aspects.

Preventive Medicine to top

America’s Food Safety Team  federal agencies that contribute to food safety.

Alternative Health News Online  Tufts University resource.

Nutrition Navigator -Tufts University

Nutrition - GPO Access   survey document.

Nutrition Resources Bulletin  free subscription for books, electronic media, etc. 

Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition

Food Safety - USDA

Physical Activity and Health Executive Summary

Smoke Free Kids - National Cancer Institute

Specific Health Concerns to top

Mental Health - GPO  survey piece on this topic.

Migraine Awareness Group: Magnum

Knowledge Exchange Network - HHS  The National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Hepatitis Information

American Diabetes Association  carries monthly magazine, living with diabetes, etc.

Cancer - GPO Access   listing of official information on this subject.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

American Cancer Society

CancerNet(TM)  survey location--provides data on screening, diagnosis and treatment.  Clinical Trials Database - National Cancer Institute  has research updates and visitors can search the trials database.

Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimer’s Disease Review  University of Kentucky.

Oncolink  provides medical information on specific types of cancer, clinical trials, therapies and pain management.   A good first stop on this subject.

Go Ask Alice! Q&A forum on health concerns (Columbia University Health Services).

Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases  Interagency Coordinating Committee---covers names and addresses.

American Lung Association

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

National Asthma Education and Presentation Program

Publications to top

New England Journal of Medicine 

Forms:  HHS and many other government agency Forms

             HHS Forms

             HCFA Forms

             FDA Forms - Public Use Forms

Rural Health to top

Rural Health Service Center   known as "RICHS" which stands for Rural Information Center Health Service---the Department of Agriculture and HHS share this program which address rural health issues.

Telemedicine Information Exchange (TIE)  provides an information exchange that employs the Internet, Intranets, PCs, satellites, etc. to communicate medical data in rural areas where such information is normally hard to deliver.

Reinventing Government to top

FDA Reinvention Efforts   lists "reinventing" progress---per Vice President Gore’s initiative.

NIEHS Reengineering, Reinvention, & Other Government Reforms

Other Services to top

Commonly Requested Federal Services  well presented resources by the White House---includes Social Security information, Aging particulars, Food Safety, Nutrition, etc.

How to obtain birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates - CDC

OnHealth.com - Your Personal Guide to Health Information

CRISP - Computer Retrival of Information on Scientific Projects  a searchable index.

MedNets - an international medicine resource  search assistance for medical data.

Organization to top

About HHS  addresses organizational matters.

HHS Organization Chart

HHS Agencies

Office of the U. S. Surgeon General

National Library of Medicine   site index.

Medical/Health Sciences Libraries on the Web

Information Technology to top

FedWorld Dialup/Telnet Site Information  connects to over 100 federal bulletin board sites.

Policy, Research, and Administration Information - HHS

Advanced Laboratory Workstation System

Information Resources Management - HHS  statement of WWW policy.

Business Matters to top      

Acquisition, Small Business, Contracting, etc. to top

CBDNet  key publication of federal contract activities---with explanations.

Office of Acquisitions Management  procurement and grant opportunities.

Federal Acquisition Jumpstation  links to major federal procurement offices.

Acquisition Policy Newsletters

National Technology Transfer Center  covers many agencies.


NIH-Guide to Grants and Contracts Database  provides free E-mail subscription.

Welcome to GrantsNet  solid introduction to the federal grant business.

U. S. Government and Grant Resources   good consolidation of same.

CRISP - Computer Retrival of Information on Scientific Projects  a searchable index.

Information about the Social Security Grant Programs

Grants Web  some government listings but mostly concerned with commercial sites.

SOSA Office of Acquisition and Grants Acquisition  key update site for SSA’s grant activity.

Other Useful Grants Management Information

How to Find Information About HHS Grant Programs

Other HHS Funding Opportunities  HHS agencies that fund grant activities.

How to Apply for a HHS Grant  good insights as to grant opportunities.

The Foundation Center  philanthropy - grantmaking information.

Grants and Awards - GPO Access  survey piece.

NIH Grants Database  gives market specifics and more.

Grant Proposal Forms

University of Idaho Research Office - Grants

Special Note: For more educational information on Grants see Federal Gateway’s ™ National Science Foundation site.

Policy, Research, and Administrative Information to top


Policy, Research, and Administrative Information  notes various bodies of HHS information for public review and research.

Guide to Document Searches - HHS  allows a search of thousands of HHS documents via a helpful subject guide.

Health & Medical Sciences References

Poverty Guidelines, Research and Measurement

Asian Americans and Pacific Islands   concerns HHS response to Asian Americans.

National Eye Institute

Office of Regulatory Affairs - FDA   news updates and other links to regulations, consumer information, "reinvention", etc.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health  responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related illness and injuries.

Policy Information Provided by HHS

National Center for Biotechnology Information   well designed presentation of services, resources, and research links.

Search Clinical Research Studies   NIH Clinical Center.

Electronic Orange Book  approved drug products.

The I.M.A.G.E. Consortium  addresses DNA, cloning, genes, etc.

Atsdr  the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Homepage.

National Library of Medicine  world famous research facility---"MEDLINE" is the Library's Internet database. 

National Library of Medicine Site Map

Scientific Research - GPO Access  survey piece.

AIDS to top

Housing Opportunities for Persons With Aids

People Living with AIDS/HIV  offers practical suggestions as to where to get started, federal assistance, etc.

AIDS Prevention - CDC   national center for prevention.

AIDS  overview of disease control, prevention, assistance, government agencies involvement, etc.

AIDS Book Review Journal

Drugs to top

The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

The Office of National Drug Control Policy  a White House activity.

PREVLINE Prevention Online

D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)  provides information on keeping kids off drugs. 1-800-223-3273

Jobs and Employment to top

Employment Opportunities - HHS solid and practical content.

Applying For A Federal Job - NIH  excellent piece.

HHS Job Vacancies   listing of openings.

Employment Opportunities in HHS  vacancy announcements.

Children to top

Promoting Prevention- HHS  educates as to what can be done about child abuse and neglect

Administration For Children and Families  promotes the economic and social well-being of families and communities.