Government Printing Office
North Capitol & H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
Telephone: (202) 512-0000
The Government Printing Office produces, procures, and disseminates printed and electronic publications of the Congress as well as the executive departments and establishments of the Federal Government.
More Detailed Information
Homepage and Introductory Information
U. S. Government Printing Office Homepage
Public Printer like many ranking GPO management the current Public Printer has had a long involvement with this organization.
Navigating the GPO Site includes FAQs.
GPO Information Page comprehensive coverage of the Public Printer, Year 2000, Whats New, Organizational Mission, etc.
News, Public Affairs, History, etc.
What’s New - GPO extensive organizational breakdown.
Browse Topics - GPO based on the Guide to U.S. Government Information.
Customer Service
Customer Service - GPO details GPO’s efforts to maintain customer support by personal service and other customer need techniques.
Employment Opportunities - GPO
U.S. Fax Watch use your telephone keypad and your fax machine to retrieve lists of available government information.
The Federal Bulletin Board file libraries---download to your system.
FedWorld Dialup/Telnet Site Information lists federal bulletin boards.
Searching and Browsing Resources
Keeping America Informed survey document covering GPO services---good "how to" navigation site with site map, FAQs, etc.
Official Federal Government Information at Your Fingertips listing of key GPO documents and much more.
Official Federal Government Information at Your Fingertips this site does for executive branch what the Congressional Record does for the legislative brach--presidential papers and speeches can now be search on the Web.
Federal Government Information Resources gateway to federal resources.
Specialized Search Pages for Databases Online via GPO Access
Finding Aids - GPO Access
Identify Information Available in Federal Depository full text search of on the official source of U.S. Government data.
Federal Depository Library Gateways locations that lead to GPO's databases.
Migrating Government Publications - University of Memphis many topics.
Browse Electronic Titles - GPO contains links to electronic organizational titles that run across the entire government.
Connect to Databases Online via GPO Access allows fielded searches of the Federal Register, Congressional Record, and Code of Federal Regulations.
Publications Available via GPO AccessDOE, Depository Library, etc.
Other Professional Resources state and regional documents groups, journals, associations, etc.
Institute for Federal Printing & Electronic Publication
Business Matters
GPO Procurement Services this organization has made itself easy to do business with.
Procurement - GPO Access survey piece.
CBDNet key contractor publication for federal marketing--start with FAQs.
Publications, Periodicals, and Electronic Products for Sale
Federal Jumpstation major procurement offices in the federal community.
Doing Business with Government - U.S. Business Advisor
Other Items of Interest
FEDSTATS the mother-of-all federal statistics sites.
Additional Links - FEDSTATS more statistical resources.