State and Local Government
State and Local Government 
Governing: State Government
Link seems to have everything--extensive!
Citizen Resources On the Web
government addresses and phone numbers..
State Agency Contacts - GSA
U.S. State and Local Government federal
governments official connection to the fifty states via Vice President Al
Gores National Performance Review.
Federal-State-Local Partnerships
National Partnership for Reinventing Government state and local initiatives.
State and Local Governments -
Library of Congress meta-indexes.
State and Local Government on the
Net breaks down each state into a formal organizational structure (with links).
Communications/U.S. Government
testimony before Congress.
50 States and Capitals searchable state
Regional Councils and Metropolitan
Planning Organization Links
State & Local Government -
University of Michigan current topics, law, etc.
Stately Knowledge - The Internet Public
Library covers each state and adds references to population comparisons and other
State and Local
Government Information Government "Information Xchange"---the federal
search engine.
Project Vote Smart tracts over 13,000
political leaders in the U. S.--details these personalities.
State Children's Health
Insurance Program (S-CHIP)
Map States - U. S. Bureau of the Census
International Institute of Municipal
Clickable U.S. and State Maps
comes with the Bureau of the Census data.
State and Local
Government - University of Michigan survey of Web sites.
Governments Overview
Census Bureau programs covering local, state and federal agencies and activities.
Occupational Safety and Health Review
Commission lists state commissions.
State-based think tanks
F.D.A. Information - State and Local
Law News Network state by
state review.
State Freedom of Information Laws
state by state review.
LAWlink(TM) U. S. State and Local
Government Sites
State Sentencing Commissions and
Newsletters online
Federal and State Campaign Finance Laws
State & Regional Government
Reference - Internet Public Library state legal operation matters.
StateList: The
Electronic Source for State Publication Lists - U. of Illinois Law
American Law Sources On-Line
state by state law references and more.
State Court Directory - The Piper
Letter sponsors are state court systems, etc.
Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes -
Cornell Law School reviews each state.
National Lobbyist Directory
lobbyist, the industry, sources, contacts, etc.
Guide To The State
Candidates & Elected Officials
Vote Smart bios and other specifics.
The Democracy Network state elections
non-partisan political data site.
Other Political Information
Project Vote Smart---federal-state relationship.
State Environmental Legislation (active)
State Environmental Commissioners
Small Community Enforcement Responses
policy on EPA enforcement.
Environmental Factor: Superfund Site -
NTIS comprehensive presentation.
Year 2000 Computer Conversion
Center for Technology in Government Home Page
University of Albany award winning effort involving improving government and public
State Databases
election, demographics, schools, property, etc.
American Community Network economic and
community development data.
Genealogy Gateway to The Web
vital records---birth, death, etc.
Best Practices
from the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.
State Government Finance Data, by
FTA State Tax Rate&
Structure Page summary of state tax tables.
Federal and State Government
Financial Regulatory Agencies
National Credit Union Administration
organization, locations, etc.
Local Government 
Local Goverments happenings by four prominent
U. S. County Government Sites
provides counties for each state.
Government Information
Sharing Project counties Census Bureau used to draw comparisons and profiles.
National Association of Regional Councils
membership organization that addresses community and regional development.
Alphabetical Index
local topics, issues, etc.
County and City Data Books
geospatial and statistical data.
Y2K Tool Kit For Schools, Local
Government State of Michigan assist for local government and school districts.
National City Government Resource
Center city topics and resources.
American Community Network tool for
researching, evaluating, comparing communities--detailed profiles of every county and
metro area in U. S.
State Organizational Functions and Activities
Governing: State Government Link
seems to have everything--extensive!
State Elections Data Governing: State Government Link seems
to have everything--extensive!
Agricultural Extension Service State Maps -
Texas A&M University
National List of Small Business
Development Centers
State and Territorial Laws General
Services Administration.
Full-text state statutes of
legislation on the Internet
Courts.Net directory of
courts--covers state and federal.
National Center for State
Courts Court Technology Programs
State Law and array of circuit court
topics, etc.
State Law - State
Government & Legislative Information
Employment & Rehabilitation Programs
- State by State
State and Federal Medicaid Contacts
Flag laws in the United States
IGnet - State and Local Organizations
state by state listing.
National Institute for
Literacy directory of national and state literacy contacts.
Educational Resources for All
States and Territories state higher education agencies.
Legislative Hotline Directory
toll-free telephone numbers to the 50 states for acquiring legislative bill status
FCC Focus on State and Local Governments
outreach effort by the Federal Communications Commission to be a source of
information to state, city and local communities.
Federation of Tax Administrators
Tax Resources on the
Internet state by state tax forms, publications, etc.
State Technologies, Inc. policy and
technology in the public sector.
Keep America Beautiful, Inc.
overview of Integrated Waste Management.
Pay-As-You-Throw Online a pay as
you use trash disposal services.
EFF "US State & Local Issues
& Policy" Archive
State Public Service Commissions
listing of Web Sites.
State Parole Boards, Inmates,
Criminal Histories, & Prison Information
State Highway and Transportation
Departments (DOTs)
Motor Vehicle Records
state by state directory.
NASIRE - State Search topical
clearinghouse of state government information.
State Housing Agencies
state by state listing.
Certification of State and local
Building Codes - Department of Justice covers public accommodations and
commercial facilities per accessibility for people with disabilities.
ADA Technical Assistance Program
provide assistance to organizations concerning provisions for people with
Index of Americans with
Disabilities Act Settlement Agreements
Census of State Governments - U.
S. Census Reports
Census of Government Reports
- U. S. Census Reports
State IT Policy and Governance
different states IT policy and governance.
U.S. State & Local
Gateway - Best Practices sharing approaches to contracting and managing
State IT Applications by issue area
Intergovernmental IT Sites
State Environmental Agencies
State Historic Preservation Officers
keep data on local properties.
State DOT Web Sites listed
alphabetically by state.
State CIO Offices and IRM
CIO Council covers members,committees, laws and
regulations, etc.
CIO Web Central
information technology concerns.
Council of State Governments details the
personal aspects of state governments---names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
National League of Cities serves municipal
International City/County Management Association
National Association of Counties
U. S. Conference of Mayors
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
National Center for State Courts
National Association of State Purchasing Officials
The State Information Technology Consortium
National Association of State Information Resource
National Council of State Housing Agencies
Western Governors'
Association summary of "Key Regional Initiatives."
National Association of Regional Councils
The National Center For Small Communities
Government Oriented Associations per
Government Technology magazine.
Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Other Items of Interest 
Government: State by State Information just a good information.
SBA: Year 2000 Issues
Affecting Small Business
State Services Organization - Hall-of-the-States
provide basic services to organizations dealing with state governments.
IG Net addresses technology happenings in
CityNet - United States
USA CityLink
Official City Sites city, towns, etc.
Welfare Reform
Watch current welfare reform efforts.
The States Inventory Specifics - Clearinghouse
Gross Domestic
Product by State
Carroll's Government Directories and Charts
good current source for employee contact information---addresses, titles, and
telephone numbers.
News Updates 
State-Federal Relations
news, features, etc.
State Capital News
Governing for state and localities news. billed as your source for news
on the states.
State-Federal Relations -
Daily News - Council of State
News Digest comprehensive
nationwide environmental news.
Assessing the New Federalism a
research and analysis project.
Business Matters 
State and
Local Awards - The Federal Marketplace contract information.
State and
Local Procurement Jumpstation - The Federal Marketplace extensive listing of
procurement sites and opportunities.
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