U. S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C.

Telephone:  (202)514-2000


As the largest law firm in the Nation, the Department of Justice (DOJ) serves as council for its citizens. It represents them in enforcing the law in the public interest. Through its thousands of lawyers, investigators, and agents, the Department plays the key role in protection against criminal and subversion, in ensuring healthy competition of business in our free enterprise system, in safeguarding the consumer, and in enforcing drug, immigration, and naturalization laws. The Department also plays a significant role in protecting citizens through its efforts for effective law enforcement, crime prevention, crime detection, and prosecution and rehabilitation of offenders.

Moreover, the Department conducts all suits in the Supreme Court in which the U.S. is concerned. It represents the Government in legal matters generally, rendering legal advice and opinions, upon request, to the President and to the heads of the executive departments. The Attorney General supervises and directs these activities, as well as those of the U.S. Attorneys and U.S. Marshals in the various judicial districts around the country.

The Department of Justice was established by an act of June 22, 1870, as amended (28 U.S. Code 501, 503, 509 note).

This material was condensed and edited from the DOJ Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

Contact the Webmaster at the Department of Justice: web@usdoj.gov

More Detailed Information

Homepage and Introductory Information to top

U.S. Department of Justice Homepage

Attorney General

Topical Index  covers active and/or hot topics at Justice--these topical links go from Statistics to Youth Violence.

Site Map


Welcome to WhoWhere  directory for federal Email addresses and telephone numbers.

Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers - GSA

US Government Blue Pages Online Directory   federal  telephone directory.

News, Public Affairs, History, etc.to top

Press Room

Hot Topics

Annual Report   Attorney General’s report.

Reports and Documents

Waco: Who's Telling the Truth?  a comprehensive report and discussion.

Microsoft vs. DOJ - ProCamp   trial updates.

Special Report:  U. S. vs. Microsoft - Policy.Com

U. S. Office of Special Council

Freedom of Information Act Page

Strategic Plan

Budget Information

Organizations’ News  covers DOJ's various departments.

Fugitives and Missing Persons

Forms and Instructions - DOJ 

Customer Service to top

Federal Law Enforcement Careers   job information on a number of law enforcement opportunities--FBI, Deputy U.S. Marshals, U.S. Capitol Police Officers, etc.

The Glass Ceiling Commission  refers to the artificial barriers that prevent certain workers from acquiring what they should be entitled to on the job.

Attorney/Law Student Hiring  career information---Honors Program, Interns, Vacancies, etc.

Office of Tribal Justice   has the purpose of increasing the responsiveness to American Indian Nations and others interested in Indian affairs.

Commonly Requested Federal Services

United States of America - USIA   patriotic documents and historical items.

CYBER TIPLINE  a "911 site" that seeks to protect children--conducts a hotline for reporting threats or inappropriate contacts made online.

Kids and Youth   children's education site.

Organization to top

Major Units of Justice

Special Note: The DOJ organization structure starts with Offices (Janet Reno, Attorney General), Divisions (Civil Rights Division, etc.), Bureaus (FBI etc.), and Boards (U.S. Parole Commission, etc.)

Organizational Chart

Department of Justice Organization  alphabetical index.


Antitrust Division   responsible for promoting and maintaining competitive markets by enforcing the federal antitrust laws.

Civil Division   legally represents the United States, its departments and agencies, members of congress, cabinet officers, and other federal employees.

Civil Rights Division   enforces Federal statues prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, and national origin.

Criminal Division  develops, enforces, and supervises the application of all federal criminal laws, except those specifically assigned to other divisions.

Environment and Natural Resources Division  the Nation’s environmental lawyer---litigates environmental matters.


Lists Policy Offices and Bureaus

U. S. Immigration & Naturalization Service

Drug Enforcement Administration Home Page 

Aviation Operations - DEA "Air Force"  fleet of 90 planes to fight against illegal drugs--headquartered in Fort Worth, TX.

DOJ International Narcotics

United States Attorneys  serve as the Nation’s principal litigates under the direction of the Attorney General--there are 93. The U.S. Attorneys are stationed throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, Guam and Northern Mariana Islands.

Americans With Disabilities Act  prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment---conducts an active ADA Technical Assistance Grant Program.

Information Technology to top

Justice Performance Review  IT program that defines the DOJ efforts.

Research and Evaluation Listservs  links to over 20 criminal justice Email addresses to listservs.

FedWorld Dialup/Telnet Site Information  lists over 100 Federal bulletin boards.

U. S. Department of Justice Federal Guidelines for Searching and Seizing Computers 

CyberSpace Law Center  designed to be an evolving resource for legal issues concerning Cyberspace.

Legal Aspects to top

Office of the Inspector General  promotes economy, efficiency and effectiveness within the Department---the Inspector General enforces criminal and civil regulations while upholding ethical standards.

Death Penalty Information Center

DOJ Research and Evaluation - Documents  excellent resource of criminal justice links.

United States Government Law - Indiana University School of Law   alphabetical search utility.

The Regulation Home Page  comprehensive source.

Business Matters to top

Doing Business With DOJ

Office of Small and Disadvantage Business

Procurement - GPO Access  survey piece.

Procurement and Solicitations

Grants and Support Programs

DOJ Procurement   lists responsibility for acquisition organizationally and provides links to contracting and procurement functions.

Federal Acquisition Jumpstation  links to major federal procurement sites.

CBDNet   provides approaches to viewing this key publication of federal contract activities.

Community Grants

Justice Grants   tasked to fund researchers and practitioners engaging in specific criminal and juvenile justice projects---this site lists 6 major grant areas plus additional resources.

Special Notice: For more insight into Grants investigate the "Business Matters" areas of the Federal Gateway Department of Health and Human Services andNational Science Foundation sites.

Statistics to top

Crime and Justice Statistics - FedStats  also includes many other data groups.

Social Statistics Briefing Room  is the White House presentation of crime counts.

Bureau of Justice Statistics   includes reports on Victims, Drugs, Criminal Records, Justice Data, etc.

Justice Information Center a comprehensive report that answers key questions about crimes and victims.

Crime Statistics, Reports and Information - University of Colorado  offers over novel links to this kind of reporting.

Sidebars to top

Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI

Investigators Guide to Sources of Information (on the Internet)

Cellular Telephone Industry Association   wiretap law site.

Computer Crime etc. - DOJ

The Center for Democracy and Technology  wiretapping issues.

Opposing Wiretapping View

Electronic Frontier Foundation  has a rich archive on encryption policy.

Anti-Gang and Youth Violence Strategy  key subject matter---plus a full text of the Anti-Gang and Youth Violence Act of 1997.

Pavnet Online  an interagency Internet resource created to provide violence prevention initiatives---it is a "virtual library" of youth-at-risk information from seven federal agencies.

UN and International Organizations and Related Links

Partnerships for a Drug Free America

PRIDE  drug abuse through prevention through education.

Tobacco News   an update.

UNICOR  the Federal Prisons Industries activity that produces all types of products for the federal agencies.

GILS FILES  a grouping of miscellaneous DOJ files available for browsing and research.

What is GILS?

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children offers a high-tech search capability.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Government Accountability Project  Whistleblowers on the Web plus legal resources and case law.

The Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council membership involves 9 government agency representatives and 9 juvenile justice practitioners.