The U. S. Congress

Senate Office Buildings, First and Constitution Avenue, N. E., Washington, D. C. 20510 - Telephone (202) 224-3121

House of Representatives Office Buildings, N. J. and Independence Avenues, Washington, D. C. 20515 - Telephone (202) 225-3121


The Congress of the United States was created by Article 1, section 1, of the Constitution, adopted by the Constitution Convention on September 17, 1787, providing that "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

This material was condensed and edited from the Thomas Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway site.

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U.S. Government information:

More Detailed Information


Thomas Home Page  to top 

Thomas - Legislative Information of the Internet  this one site covers the House of Representatives, Senate of the United States, and the Congressional Budget Office as well as the entire legislative community of the United States Government. Consequently, this document also addresses the Government Printing Office, Library of Congress, and the Capitol of the United States and all its offices.

The Thomas System  a guide to using and understanding this site by personnel from the University of Massachusetts---they have joined with the Library of Congress to bring us THOMAS.

Legislative Research with Thomas a "how to" aid.

About Thomas  site map.

How to Search Thomas

Thomas FAQ's

Congress Today - C-Span

Congress in the News - Thomas   covers current activities in the news.

Congressional Telephone Directory  covers the House, Senate, etc.

US Government Blue Pages Online Directory   federal telephone directory.

Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers

E-Mail Addresses for Congress

U.S. House of Representatives  to top

U. S. House of Representatives  locates key offices, organizations, sites, etc.

Speaker of the House

Office of The House Majority Leader   current and historical resource.

House Leadership Web Services - The U. S. House of Representatives

Member and Committee Information of the 106th Congress

House Committee Schedules and Oversight Plans  a chart of "The Legislative Process" which has a hearing schedule of Committee activities.

U.S. House Committees   membership, information search utility, etc.

Additional Committee Information  speaks to jurisdiction, rules, internships, history, legislation, archives, meetings, and publications.

Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives  House activities.

House Journal   record of the proceeding of each legislative day.

Capitol Building   historical construction view.

Lobbying Disclosure Act  easy to understand "question and answer" format.

Calendars of the House of Representatives and Legislation History - GPO Access 

U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library  goals are to provide free public access to this site and other law resources on the Internet.

U. S. Code (searchable)  view data from several key points of view.

U.S. Congress - Entitlements - GPO Access  House Ways and Means Committee search utility covering entitlement programs.

House of Representatives Educational Resources  how laws are made, etc.

Congressional Biographical Directory  data on members from 1774 to present.

House of Representatives Other Government Information Resources

District Maps  Congress, state senate, and state assemblies.

Member Office Web Services

Congressional Biographical Directory   covers from 1774 to present.

House Organizations, Commissions, and Task Forces

The U.S. Senate  to top

United States Senate   calendars of business, committees, publications, etc.

Senate Democratic Leadership Committee   today in the Senate.

Senate Republican Policy Committee   Senate Schedule.

Senate Republican Conference

All Members of Congress - Vote-Smart  senators and house members.

Senate Calendar of Business - GPO Access

Legislative Activities  covers legislation, schedules, rules, and other activities.

Congressional Particulars  to top

U.S. Legislative Branch  Library of Congress subject listing covering the Congress.

Joint Committees of Congress Information

Congressional Research Service Reports  these objective reports are done for Congress by scholars that avoid particular political views.

Political Science Resources - U.S. Politics - University of Michigan

U. S. Government and Politics - Clark-Net  highly informative total government information document.

Congressional Directory - GPO Access

About the Congress  representation, how to get help, expressing opinions, etc.

U.S. Congress - GPO Access  congressional publications and  committees.

Congressional Information - GPO Access  wide range of Congressional, General Accounting Office, and Library of Congress topics.

How Our Laws Are Made  formal document.

Enactment of a Law  informal document covering the enactment of laws.

U. S. Congress - U. S. Code (searchable)

Senate, House and Treaty Documents

Science Lablink to U.S. Congress  science connections to various Congressional Web sites.

Economic Indicators - GPO Access

Historical Documents discusses "Why Are There Two Houses of Congress?"

U.S. Government Information: Legislative Information  guide to finding bills, committed documents, floor debates, votes, and laws.

E-Mail Addresses for Congress

Grolier Online: The American Presidency covers American government basics.

Political Science Resources United States Politics - U. of Michigan

Today in Congress - Washington Post  daily schedule of what is to take place in Congress.

Listing of Bills Introduced in the 105th Congress

CapWeb - The Internet Guide  Guide to the United States Congress.

Congress Track  Project Vote Smart's cradle-to-grave research tool for people who want to track the performance of the 105th Congress.

Congressional Internet Caucus  100 congressmen address Internet matters.

Representatives Educational Resources   civic and historical topics.

Current Consumer Issues

The Center for Legislative Archives - NARA  basic congressional records.

Policy Organization and Think Tank Links - Heritage

Common Cause  holding power accountable--a critical evaluator of Congress.

Other Items of Political Interest (Elections, politics, fun, etc.)  to top

U. S. Government & Politics - USIA  excellent explanation of these subjects.

Federal Election Commission  watchdog on federal elections--in administration and civil enforcement of laws, campaign funds, etc. by participants.

Federal and State Campaign Finance Laws

Voting and Elections - Government Printing Office  survey document.

Electoral College  officially determine winners of presidential elections.  Box Scores - covering president and vice president elections (1789 - 1996)  The process is currently for 538 members of   the Electoral College that come form the 50 states (plus 3 members from Washington, D. C.) that vote after the general election.

Campaign Finance Reform Proposal

Congressional Campaign Finance Profiles - Center for Responsive Politics

Soft Money Laundromat - Commoncause   political soft money contributions.

Political Science Reference   topics, terms, references, etc.

Notable Acts of Congress - Counsel Quest(TM)  legal resources.

Groups: talk.politics[.*]

Plum Book  identifies presidential or political appointees in the Legislative and Executive branches of the U.S. Government.

The Political Graveyard  unique site that tells where the bodies are buried.

Republican National Committee

The Democratic National Committee

Libertarian Party

American Political Science Association Online

Welcome to National Journal's Cloakroom

Political Web Site Links - Heritage

Federalist Papers  and much more historical writings.

Signers of Declaration of Independence -

The Constitutional Amendment Process

Public Policy Organizations and Think Tanks (links)

The Almanac of Politics and Government, On-line  conservative politics.

Laws, Legislation, etc.  to top

National Center for Legislative Archives - NARA  first Congress to present.

Joint Committees of Congress Information

Listing of Bills Introduced in the 105th Congress

How Our Laws Are Made  formal document.

The Electronic Policy Network  current political and national policy news.

Policyworks  comprehensive government-wide policy resource.

Legislative Histories in the U.S. Congress - Research Version  University of Michigan guide to legislative documents.

Federal and State Campaign Finance Laws

Campaign Finance Reform Proposal

Lobbying Disclosure Act  easy to understand "question and answer" format

Organizations  to top

The Harry S. Truman Scholars Conference  independent organization dedicated to improving our Nation through public service.

The John C. Stennis Center for Public Service  independent legislative branch agency created by Congress to promote and strengthen public service.

Christian Coalition Web  rates members of Congress, recent speeches, and much more.

The Heritage Foundation

The Democratic National Committee

Libertarian Party

Barry Goldwater Scholarship Foundation  

Media  to top

CAPWEB  allows hearing and viewing of Congress.

Roll Call  prominent Capital Hill newspaper.

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Highway 1  politics online (legislation oriented).

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