The Pentagon, Washington, D. C. 20330
Introduction: The Department of the Air Force is responsible for defending the peace and security of the United States through control and exploitation of air and space. Special Note: Realize that the Department of Defense has a number of informational servers that include all the military Services of the United States, e.g., LabLink, DefenseLink, DRMS (DOD property sales), Defense Technical Information Web, DODTravelink, etc. The following material was condensed and edited from the U.S. Air Force Web site--with added content to further inform visitors to the Federal Gateway Web site. More Detailed InformationHomepage and Introductory InformationChief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force AirForceLINK Site Map. Air Force Link Jr. educational aid for children from ages 6 to 12. Sites index page organizational and alphabetical index of the Air Force. Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers - GSA US Government Blue Pages Online Directory federal telephone directory. News, Public Affairs, History, etc.Air Force News complete news update. Air Force News Agency communicates and broadcasts news, information, and entertainment through print and electronic media. Air Force Library provides biographies and profiles of AF leaders, fact sheets, weapons systems, and various publications. A. F. fact sheets on aircraft, weapons, organizations, etc. U. S. Air Force ONLINE NEWS Air Force's official corporate newspaper. SAF/AQ WebLinks information resource with several search engines. Air Force Historical Research Age Personnel ServicesAir Force Careers covers civilian, enlisted, officer, and retiree situations---recruiting particulars for AF, AF Reserve, and Air National Guard. U.S. Navy and Air Force Basic Training National Finance Center - Employee Personal Page Information excellent source for federal employees of agencies serviced by NFC to follow their payroll, leave, travel, insurance, and other personal information on line. LIFELines offers military medical services and much more---created by the Navy but designed for all DOD (civilian included). A quality site! Ceremonial Music Online covers all branches of U. S. Military. Air Force Exchange covers What's New, Catalog Sales, and Job Openings. Note: Under normal circumstances, people can locate someone in the Air Force at: Military Locator Services - (210) 652-5775. OrganizationAir Force Sites concerns AF organizational units. TechnicalConerstones Of Information Warfare Information Warfare Battlelab stands up at AIA Glossary of Information Warfare Terms Institute For The Advanced Study of Information Warfare Space & Missile Systems Command - AF Business MattersAir Force Small Business Online Air Force Country Store: Main Index self-service online computer products store---extensive federal contractor information. Brooks Air Force Base health and science center business opportunities. Electronic Systems Center - Business Opportunities and Current ESC Opportunities are key AF procurement and contracting information locations. Acquisition Links business opportunities. Air Force Opportunities business opportunities. Program Planning current and future procurement activities. Special Note: The Federal Gateway's Navy Business Matters listings compliment the above information, particularly with regards to doing business with the DOD. Other Items of InterestCivil Reserve Air Fleet concerns the Air Force making use of U.S. airlines in times of emergency---when the airlift need exceeds military aircraft capabilities. Federal Gateway is your #1 source on US Government information, go back home |