U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, S. W., Washington, D. C. 20585
Telephone:(202) 586-5000
E-mail: doe.webmaster@hq.doe.gov
Introduction:The Department of Energy (DOE), in partnership with its customers, is entrusted to contribute to the welfare of the Nation by providing the technical information and the scientific and educational foundation for the technology, policy, and institutional leadership necessary to achieve efficiency in energy use, diversity in energy sources, a more productive and competitive economy, improved environmental quality, and a secure national defense. |
The Department was established by the Department of Energy Act (42 U.S. Code 7131), effective October 1, 1977. On September 13, 19977 DOE became a Cabinet-level Department.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is and independent regulatory organization within the Department.
The following material was condensed and edited from the Department of Energy Web site--with some added information designed to inform visitors to the Federal Gateway™ site.
More Detailed Information
Home page and Introductory Information
U.S. Department of Energy Homepage
Energy-at a Glance major locations.
Welcome to WhoWhere directory for federal Email addresses and telephone numbers.
Frequently Requested Toll-Free Telephone Numbers - GSA US Government Blue Pages Online Directory federal telephone directory. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board performs DOE nuclear weapons oversight. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission independent commission within DOE that regulates energy transmission, hydroelectric, and certain corporations. |
Links To Other Energy Websites
News, Public Affairs, History, etc.
Where DOE's Money Goes budget spending via organizational lines.
Other DOE Information Resources
Department Mission national security is a key concept due to the work product of this giant scientific organization.
Comprehensive Electricity Competition Act
Public Reading Room - DOE on-line newsletters, technology updates, frequently requested documents, DOE publications and journals, etc.
Consumer Information
National Finance Center - Employee Personal Page Information (USDA) excellent source for federal employees of agencies serviced by NFC to follow their payroll, leave, travel, insurance, and other personal information on line.
EnergyFiles DOE's virtual library of energy science and technology.
Commonly Requested Federal Services
Energy Savings Online DOE advise on saving on your energy bill---they estimate that the average homeowner can save up to $500 annually!
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN)
Energy Council on Community Service Partners In Education / Adopt-a-School.
EnergySmart Schools economizing on energy.
School Security Technology using the technology we have.
Fuel Economy Site automobile buying aid.
Ask an Energy Expert - EREN submit questions and get answers on energy-efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
Ask a Scientist send in questions and receive answers.
Science Pages for Kids extensive learning site--mostly practical science items. Other Science Educational Links
ESTEEM a DOE learning site--learn how a city works.
DOE Laboratories and Facilities
Links To Other Energy Websites
Power Administrations listing of DOE power organizations.
Department Administration - Energy details topics referred to as Mission, Program Overview, 1997 Budget Request, and Highlights of Program Changes.
U.S. Government Laboratories various U. S. Government laboratories.
Information Technology
Chief Information Officer - DOE
Advanced Computer Laboratory high-performance computer research center.
DOE Technology Information Network Technology Partnership search resource.
The Reference Shelf DOE "800" number directory, information management and directives, acquisition contract clauses, etc.---provided by the Office of Information Management.
FedWorld Dialup/Telnet Site Information federal bulletin boards.
Business Matters
DOE Office of Procurement and Assistance Management
Savannah River Operations Office contract solicitations.
National Renewable Energy Lab search for contract and procurement data.
Business Contacts key contracting personnel at various DOE sites.
CBDNet important publication of federal contract activities.
Business - GPOAccess survey item.
International Trade - GPOAccess survey piece.
National Technology Transfer Center covers many agencies.
DOE Technology Information Network designed to be used as a resource for finding Technology Partnership opportunities through the Technology Transfer program.
Where DOE's Money Goes budget spending via organizational lines.
Technology & Files
U. S. Energy Information Administration latest EIA information with many current topics and search capability.
Energy and Statistical Information concerning statistics, companies, etc.
DOE Bibliographic Database the home of DOE’s scientific and technical report citations form 1-1-94 to the present.
Energy Programs - DOE major research activities.
PubScience - DOE virtual library of energy science and technology publications.
DOE R&D Project Summaries search 12,000 ongoing R&D projects.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
International Nuclear Safety Center Database performs safety analysis and risk evaluation of nuclear plants--includes Soviet-designs and reactors in China and India.
Alternative Fuels Data Center comprehensive alternative fuels source.
Nuclear Information WWW Server
Energy Statistics, Alternative Fuels, and Full Text Publications
DOE R&D Tracking Database Homepage current R& D data inventory site that can be called upon as a research aid.
Electronic Exchange Initiative educational resource for learning electronic publishing formats for scientific and technical information.
Questions & Answers - DOE nuclear energy---its costs, risks and benefits, waste, safety, radiation, and more.
Nuclear Power - GPOAccess survey item.
Energy Efficiency-Renewable Energy Network (EREN) addresses renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.
Information Bridge provides full-text reports of DOE scientists to the public.
Fuel Overview: reports on fuel and energy
Environmental Activities
Environmental Management - DOE
Environmental Safety & Health Office
Brightfields Initiative environmental outreach effort.
Environmental Newsletter - DOE no cost online item.
Solar Energy - GPO Access survey document of alternative energy sources.
Virtual Library for Energy Science & Technology
National Security Activities
U. S. Government Information: Websites for Declassified Information
OpenNet the DOE database of declassified information and documents.
Other Items of Interest
Sciences & Technology Reference
A Science Odyssey a Public Broadcasting System site that contains a unique interactive educational feature that makes science a special treat.
Scientific Research - Pathway Services
Scientific Information on the WWW
Citizen Kurchatov Igor Kurchatov the world-class physicist who lead the Soviet Union into the atomic age--a good story!